use Strict;
use Net::Telnet;
use CGI;
$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 5; # max 5K posts
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads
use File::Path::Stderr;
my $query = new CGI;
my $t = new Net::Telnet ();
my $port = 3145;
my $admin_uname = "Admin";
my ($admin_passwd, $uname, $passwd, $real_name, $new_domain, $vhpath);
$admin_passwd = $query->param('Admin_pass');
$uname = $query->param('new_user');
$passwd = $query->param('new_password');
$real_name = $query->param('real_name');
$domain_name = $query->param('domain');
$vhpath = "c\:\\sites\\vh\\$domain_name\.vh";
my @lines;
$lines[0] = '
$lines[1] = ' ServerAdmin';
$lines[2] = ' DocumentRoot C:/sites/'.$domain_name.'/httpdocs/';
$lines[3] = ' ServerName '.$domain_name;
$lines[4] = ' ServerAlias www.'.$domain_name;
$lines[5] = ' ErrorLog C:/sites/'.$domain_name.'/logs/error_log';
$lines[6] = ' CustomLog C:/sites/'.$domain_name.'/logs/access_log common';
$lines[7] = ' ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ C:/sites/'.$domain_name.'/cgi-bin/';
$lines[8] = '
$lines[9] = ' Options Includes';
$lines[10] = ' AllowOverride None';
$lines[11] = ' Order allow,deny';
$lines[12] = ' Allow from all';
$lines[13] = '
$lines[14] = '
open FH, ">$vhpath";
my $listitem;
foreach $listitem ( @lines )
print FH $listitem, "\n";
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
$t->open(port => $port);
print "port open\n";
# Next line is not needed from some reason.....
# $t->waitfor('/200\s\./');
print 'Got 220 (Got in)
# sending admin's user name
$t->print('user ', $admin_uname);
print "gave username
# checking for the correct response (331).
$t->waitfor('/331 .*/') or die "dowant pass\n";
print "Got 331 User name received, need password.
# sending admin's password
$t->print('pass ', $admin_passwd);
print "gave password.
#checking for the correct response (230).
$t->waitfor('/230 .*/') or die "pass is not correct\n";
print "got 230 User logged in, proceed.
#Adding the new user
print "Adding new user $uname";
$t->print('ADDUSER "', $uname, '" "', $passwd, '" "', $real_name, '"');
$t->waitfor('/200 .*/') or die "user has not been creates\n";
print "Got 200 User created successfully.
#connecting resources to the user.
print "connecting resources";
$t->print('SETRESOURCE "', $uname, '" "cgi-bin" "c\:\\sites\\', $domain_name, '\cgi-bin" "RF,WF,DF,AF,LD,MD,DD,RR"');
$t->waitfor('/200 .*/') or die "user did not update\n";
print "Got 200 User(s) updated successfully.
$t->print('SETRESOURCE "', $uname, '" "httpdocs" "c\:\\sites\\', $domain_name, '\httpdocs" "RF,WF,DF,AF,LD,MD,DD,RR"');
$t->waitfor('/200 .*/') or die "user did not update\n";
print "Got 200 User(s) updated successfully.
$t->print('SETRESOURCE "', $uname, '" "logs" "c\:\\sites\\', $domain_name, '\logs" "RF,LD,RR"');
$t->waitfor('/200 .*/') or die "user did not update\n";
print "Got 200 User(s) updated successfully.
# print "deleting user\n";
# $t->print('DELUSER "', $uname, '"');
# $t->waitfor('/200 .*/') or die "user has not been deleted\n";
#print "User(s) removed successfully.\n";
print "Quitting\n";
- Sep 21 Fri 2007 13:46
轉貼:透過 Perl 控制 zFTPServer